First of all, I'm over at Scrivel with my Vogue cover. Don't believe me? Go see for yourself.
I am currently in love with The Bonnie Hunt Show. Why it's taken Hollywood soooooooooooo long to give this hilarious chick her own talk show only points out how retarded this town is. Whereas I had little interest in seeing Mamma Mia or Sex and The City (rentals) I can't WAIT to see The Women. It's a modern update of the trashy and fabulous 1939 George Cukor directed one, only not as mean-spirited. Fuck.
Sidebar: 1939 was considered one of the best years of movie making in the history of Hollywood. The year's most famous film was Gone With the Wind, which won the Oscar. The other nominees of 1939 were: Dark Victory, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Love Affair, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Of Mice and Men, Stagecoach, The Wizard of Oz, and Wuthering Heights.
Annette Bening, one of the stars of the movie, was on Ellen yesterday and when Ellen said there was not one man in the entire movie, except for a lone male extra at the end of the film, the audience cheered. Let's hope they remember that sentiment in November.
My hands are much, much worse and I'm going to the doctor on Monday and I'M OVER IT. Their numbness actually wakes me up at night and as great a concept as that is, IT'S THE WRONG PAIR OF HANDS. The stress of it, of course, just makes the situation worse. Typing is agony and I've stopped commenting as much as I used to so I can save my hands for the 256 blogs I write for. I can no longer hold a knife and fork to eat or hold a glass with one hand. I'm regressing backwards and soon won't be able to speak, which should make a lot of you very happy.
My ex-gay friend and I have used the term, "He's your new husband" since 1992. Now I see it all over the web and I find it annoying. I also invented the wheel and sliced bread so I wish people would stop using those too.
I finished the story of how I got dumped right before a show in New York and what happened at that show that made me stop feeling sorry for myself. It's at Uproarious and part one was on Wednesday so go catch up for God's sakes.
See my sidebar patch? Tomorrow is my two year Blogoversary. That's a long fucking time in Suzy years.
End of chat.
Bonnie Hunt Show The Women Movies of 1939
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