Monday, April 20, 2009

Pink Dot Redux

I'm addicted to this takeout store. I've been using them for many months and sometimes they send me the same delivery guys. In the last few weeks, they have gotten sloppy and keep leaving ONE item out. There's one guy, Geronimo, who never makes mistakes. He's from South America and due to my clumsy Spanish he now speaks in Spanish exclusively to me except at the end when he says 'Goodbye.'

The last time he came, 2 days ago, I was telling him how great he was and how I was going to call Pink Dot and tell them that. His face turned grey and I'm sure it's because I really said "Hey Geronimo, where's your horse and face paint?"

As I mentioned, my Spanish is sketchy. Or non-existentimento.

He left. I called Pink Dot. I raved on and on about Geronimo and they thanked me for the feedback because it helped the drivers. I unpacked my groceries and MY TWO MILKY WAYS WERE NOT THERE. Which is the only reason I ordered from the stupid ass store. I did not call back and complain, like I usually do, because I was afraid Geronimo would lose his job in a country whose only English word he knows is 'goodbye.'

And who told me I needed two Milky Ways anyway? I know it was one of you.

End of chat.
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