Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's Really Something Wrong With Me And I Blame You

For those of you who have not voted for me in the Blogger's Choice Best Humor Blogs (green patch at top right) I've now dropped to 11th place. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DEADBEATS that I love SOOOOOOO much and who return their love by NOT VOTING FOR ME?

SO, I'll give away one of my new tee shirts for votes. My logo is on a black shirt which is a preshrunk Hanes in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL. And has a 500 dollar bill pinned to the label.

There's a caveat; you need to get me as many votes as you can to win a shirt. And that means annoying your friends and who doesn't want to do that? If you've already voted I'll count that towards your final amount. Just tell me what name you voted under, and ask your friends too, and then have people send me their/your email so I can verify who they/you are. (SUZYSOROatAOL.COM)

I want to stay in the top ten.

Whoever gets the most votes for me gets a free shirt. If there's a tie, both (or all) will win. Contest open to U.S. and Canada only because you would not believe how much I've already spent on these shirts. Unless foreigners want to dump postage in my paypal account and then they're eligible. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? These rules are like an SAT test. In German.

This is a shameless, horrifying, really disgusting plug. But I know you won't be shocked by it as I am shameless, horrifying and disgusting. Who else could go from MOTHER GOING BLIND to FREE SHIRTS FOR VOTES?

End of chat.

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