Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Incredibly Uncool Me

According to a study in the Psychological Science journal, darkness, even from a pair of sunglasses, caused individuals to feel more anonymous in their decisions. Therefore, these individuals were more inclined to lie, cheat and partake in self-centered behaviors.

Welcome to Hollywood!

These days I'm lost to Twitter and have to apologize to Kimberley Schmahl, a reader from my early years of blogging. Of course she was on Twitter since 1967 and I said I would never EVER get on board that train. Through the magic nightmare that is Google I found this tweet she and a guy exchanged about me a few years ago.

GUY: Is Suzy Soro on Twitter?
KS: No, she's too cool for Twitter.
GUY: I'm afraid of her.

All conversations about me end with those 4 words.

Twitter has followers just like Blogging and the most aggravating part is that I have almost as many followers there as I have here. But in 4 and a half MONTHS instead of a year? two years? century? it took me to get them on my blog.

Bonus? You can get some wackos to follow you: One of Heidi's followers was trashing her plastic surgery and we all know HOW WRONG THAT IS so I jumped in to defend her (shut UP) and the next thing you know, Heidi started to follow me. Two days later Spencer started to follow me. Unlike other sane people, I'm following them back.

Another bonus? You can track your favorite comedians, singers, authors, artists and write them, hoping they'll fill the void that is your life by pretending that you know them. Conan O'Brien just joined and as much as I think he was a big baby for walking away from his job, his tweets are hilarious.

If anyone's curious what I look like with a beard, it's this ?:^(0) Coincidentally, that's also my ATM pin number.

This morning I watched Remington Steele while eating Sugar Smacks out of a salad bowl. I was naked.

Today I interviewed a squirrel in my backyard and then threw to commercial. Somebody help me.

And yes, I'm following him and no, he has no idea who I am. But if he did he would probably be afraid of me too.

End of chat.

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