Monday, March 15, 2010

It Has Been Brought To My Attention That I'm Not As Funny As I Think I Am

After I posted this last Friday:

If you're not reading the Bloggess you're not reading the funniest person on the Internet. And since you know I think I'm the funniest person on the Internet you realize how hard it is for me to give out that title without a cash incentive.

I received this critique from my best friend, Anonymous:

Well color me chastened. I'm now down to third place?

Then I was further reduced in stature by this tweet from a Twitter follower:

I'm pretty sure I don't answer to *User Name Here* but I used to drink so maybe I did before I lost most of my cognitive skills in a Grey Goose mano à mano.

Then Jenn warned me:

Then Sanjeet, whose name means Plug My Website in Hindi, warned me again with this original comment:
Then coincidentally - or was it - I got this comment the next day:

So here's my report card for last Friday's post:

Ability to convey sarcasm to people with no name - F

Ability to convince readers of my expertise in tongue in cheek commentary - F

Overall job performance - I don't have one but if I did it would be - F

Fear of The Bloggess kicking my ass and overcharging for band aids - A+

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