Maman has been back in Paris for 2 weeks. Lindy's dog Yoshi lost a pound since The Food Patrol went back to France. My sister, as you all know, is The Food Police. It's hard to eat a meal with her at a restaurant.
Waiter: Can I take your order?
Me: Yes, I'll have the cheddar burg...
Lindy: COUGH
Me: Sea bass with a fully loaded baked pota...
Lindy: COUGH
Me: Broccoli with chee....
Lindy: COUGH
Me: Plain.
Waiter: Salad?
Me: I don't think...
Lindy: COUGH
Me: Yes.
Waiter: Dressing?
Me: Ranch....
Lindy: COUGH
Me: Plain.
Waiter: Anything to drink?
Me: A glass of...
Lindy: COUGH
Me: water with...
Lindy: COUGH
Me: No ice.
I read this post and wrote That One Girl and said I was going to drop off a case of beer at my local firehouse. Which is what you want at a big conflagration, thousands of drunk firefighters breathing on an active fire. She replied that firefighters love sweets and drink sub-par coffee. So yesterday I dropped off 2 bags of Famous Amos cookies and a pound of name brand coffee.
The firefighter kept thanking me and after all that goes on in this state, I felt ridiculous being thanked when all I did was walk into a store that was not on fire - and if it was I'm not very observant - and bought a few things.
So if you live in California, drop off a Costco pie or some name-brand coffee or whatever sweets you care to donate. Do it for That One Girl. Read her post Fire Burns and you'll understand why I say to do this in her name.
And honor every firefighter who gave his life on 9/11 and across the U.S.A.
End of chat.
California Fires 2009 Firefighters