Last year's Emmy Awards had the lowest ratings in their history, 12.8 million. The Suits said it was because 30 Rock and Mad Men are not viewed by enough people so no one watched because they had no idea what those shows were about. So they expanded each category to 7 entries. Maybe people would tune in to see other shows have a shot at Emmy.
30 Rock and Mad Men still won.
Which is why The People's Choice Awards appeals to so many. Two and A Half Men is the most watched comedy on TV and yet never finishes in the money. Except Jon Cryer, who won best supporting actor in a comedy this year.
So many repeat winners: Glenn Close, Bryan Cranston, Alec Baldwin, The Amazing Race. I was glad Toni Collette beat out Tina Fey, who was relegated to a guest part on SNL for her win. She can't act and Collette can. Fey's win last year was cringe-inducing.
Love you Tina. Mean it.
I stopped watching after an hour and got the winners from the internet, who were coming off the East Coast feed. Doogie Howser got on my last available nerve, the dresses were boring, the people were...who WERE some of those people?
And to answer yesterday's questions about Candice Bergen's face. She had an upper and lower blepharoplasty (upper and lower eye) and a forehead lift. That's why her eyebrows are at different heights in the pictures. At 63, she waited too long for this surgery. She did have severe hooding over her eyes, which is when the eyelid starts to slide over the eye. In some cases, hooding can be so severe that insurance will pay for it. Many Asians opt for this 'Round Eye Surgery.' Had Candice done this at 40, we wouldn't be so shocked to see her in a completely different face today.
Had I gone to bed earlier I would have missed the Emmy's.
There's always next year.
End of chat.