Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inspi(red) By The Bloggess And Her Red Dress

As long as this Christmas decoration I turned into a lamp fixture doesn't touch the lightbulb inside and set my bedroom on fire I won't have to buy renter's insurance.

This is a picture of me burning in hell. Stop applauding.
Nothing screams *unemployed* more than a person who paints their toes red, wears red pajamas, stands on a red rug and then takes a picture of it:

When I had my ankle surgery I had a red scooter and a red cast. And a full psych evaluation:

After reading Jenny's post on her red dress and leaving a comment about my favorite pants, red leather snakeskins, I decided to try them on today. Does leather shrink in the dryer I didn't put them in?

Forget the pants. I have a red leather skirt. Hmmmmmm. Oh I know what's going on here. WRONG SHOES:
Red shoes totally change the... oh fuck it:

I have some red tees that I know fit. If you're a whore:

Finally, something red that fits me perfectly:

All in all this was a very depressing post.

But if I can post pictures of myself wearing clothes I appear to be hoarding then you know that you can do anything in life if you believe in you.

And the power of antidepressants.
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