Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Everyone Can Bite Me Friday!

Thank you, Merecat, for my award. You really should stop drinking in the morning.One day, when my hands aren't frozen in the Paleozoic Age, I'll get back to being Mrs. Art Linkalotter and do what I'm supposed to do with these awards I get.

Michael Phelps, 8 gold medals. Now what are they criticizing him for? His choice of footwear. Apparently he wears ugly shoes. We build them up and then tear them down. Do other countries do this?

I've done a lot of things in my life that I've been proud of. I've been lucky and had an interesting life that has taken me around the world. But nothing has made me more proud than the email I got from a reader telling me my blog inspired them to register to vote. Doesn't matter who you vote for, DOESN'T MATTER, just vote. And don't let anyone tell you how to vote. They're control freaks who think their way is the 'right' way. There is no 'right' way. There is only 'your' way. And this is being discussed on many blogs right now: The idea that you won't talk to someone who doesn't vote the way you do. Stop talking to someone because they're mean to you or killed your cat or badmouthed you at your job. But because of who you're voting for? GROW UP.

I'm SO OVER all the assholes who bashed Hillary and are now going after Sarah Palin. Sexism is an equal political party nightmare. From men who fear women in power and women who suffer from Tall Poppy Syndrome. Hopefully the more women who get to the top, the more these men and women will shut the fuck up. Or die. Or both. One of the most significant outcomes of this new addition to the Republican ticket is that sexism is being discussed. By the public, the pundits and the media. Shine a light on that, motherfuckers.

And speaking of dumb fucks, The Manorexic was asked if there was sexism against Palin and he replied no. "If she's out here like I am, then she has to take it." Take what, you arrogant gasbag? Scrutiny into her past career? Absolutely. Scrutiny into her personal life? Absolutely. Scrutiny about her political views? Absolutely. Asked if she could raise her kids and be the Vice-President? Questioned whether being Governor of Alaska in any way contributed to her having a Down Syndrome child? Fucking no way. Obama apparently doesn't know the meaning of the word 'sexism.' OMG. He's just another white guy.

I went to Alaska once. The Anchorage Comedy Club back in the mid 90's. I grew up on the East coast and spent 13 years on the upper East side of New York City and you couldn't pay me to live in inclement weather again. Especially after southern California. It was 84 degrees here yesterday. In my refrigerator.

The other act and I spent a day at Portage Valley in the Chugach National Forest. On the way we saw two men walking along the highway with shotguns over their shoulders. In broad daylight. Hunting is a way of life in Alaska and seriously, if you're making mooseburger jokes, congratulations, you're a hack. I had flown into Alaska on Air Duck'sAss and saw hundreds of hunters lined up with their guns at the airport. It's strange to me but I'm most certainly strange to them. Although I'm a meat eater and wear fur and loathe Peta. And I don't mean the bread.

Further on, we saw lots of cars pulled over to the side of the road. We stopped and found people looking up at these bald eagles high up in the trees on the left-hand side of the picture below. See that river? Those eagles would swoop down and pluck swimming salmon and fly off with them. It remains one of the most breathtaking sights I've ever seen.
Later on we went to the Anchorage Zoo and found them on display. I hate zoos but I've watched enough Jack Hanna to know that we need them for education, for the preservation of different species and to pass on their conservership to children.
This is me at the Anchorage Zoo. I'm the one on the right. Wearing fur. About to tuck into that llama.
Join me over at Uproarious today to vote on who's funnier in late night, Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, Ferguson or Conan. Who do you think is my favorite?

End of chat.

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