Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Answer Is Never What You Think

The year that poster was put on that pole was 2001. And every time I passed it, I, an original thinker, always said to myself, "Wow, is that thing still there?"

Lyndsay was the only one who got it right. Congratulations Lyndsay! Your prize? You get to keep reading this blog until I piss you off. You won't have to wait long.

I took the picture in October of 2006. We have no winter in L.A. AND I'M SO FASCINATING I'M TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER and I have so turned into my parents. In a minute I'm going to ask someone how their meal was and have they seen the cherry blossoms this season and the mockingbirds on the window ledge now eat raisins. (Dad)

Ofelia, the building manager, came by today and gave me this red sleeveless top from a wholesale shop downtown, where she used to work. Having just found the weird stuff on my ear I demur and say that I really didn't want to wear a top that all but has an engraved invitation to get more weird stuff on my arms and would she like to see my ear? (Mom)

"My mother had one of those on her lip. The doctor operated on her and it was cancer and then she died."
"Holy shit." (I started crying in my head)
"She couldn't eat and I kept telling her not to have the surgery but she wouldn't listen."
"Did she die right away?" (I'm trying not to faint in my head)
"No, about five years after the surgery."
"So she died of the cancer?" (Now I'm just trying not to vomit all over myself or her in my head)
"Oh no, she died of heart failure."



End of chat.

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