Monday, December 22, 2008

And The Winner is....

This is the winner of the Ugly Item Of Clothing Contest. It was also the only entry so even though you all LIED to me all year about how EXCITED you were to enter this contest, it all came down to you're a bunch of liars. i.e. my kind of people.

So this poor lucky bastard wins this Tee Shirt. The very last in a series that Single, Married & Divorced printed. That dot on the shirt is from the camera and isn't on the shirt. No, I'm giving away my dirty laundry. Actually it's kind of a relief that all the contests are over. A year of shoe contests wiped out what little brain I had left. Then the Uproarious CD contests wiped out the rest. Beckie, the winner of one of the CD's is finally getting her prize and I'm also sending out the tee shirt, but AFTER Christmas, so I don't have to stand in line for 2 years. Health update, I'm walking better and my hands are still numb but I can use them more. But I still don't want to stand in line for 2 hours.

End of contests.

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