Monday, May 25, 2009

Post Mortem Memorial Day

Before we got up at zero-dark-hundred hours on Saturday morning, I took this picture of Ofelia the day before, modeling a boa I gave her from our show Single, Married & Divorced. Look at all my junk behind her on the floor. The Marilyn Monroe hanging on the wall behind her is a Milton Greene lithograph that I bought in Paris with the first paycheck I got from performing. Ofelia might not have in her teeth in this photo because she's got that closed mouth smile going on. She also chain smokes and drinks and two weeks ago pulled into our back parking lot and braked too late and hit the wall. I laughed and then prayed she wouldn't run into my car by accident. Or on purpose.

Two days before the sale she gave me a pair of tights from her wholesale store and said, "These will help keep your stomach in." If I didn't need them so much I would have slugged her but instead I took them and mumbled "thank you."
Remember those 5 frightful items that I showcased? Mr. Sailor Man ended up in the building, because Joe wanted him. Joe faithfully and anonymously took out the garbage I set outside my door while I was recuperating last summer. He had been doing it for a while and when I finally caught him and thanked him he replied "That's what neighbors do for each other." So I just gave him the wooden man. So now I have to see it every day instead of just when I open the storage unit. I mentioned I was on God's black list, right?

The lava lamp from psycho ex-boyfriend I gave to Ophelia because she wanted it. The flowered mailbox and weird ass fish ended up in the trunk of my car, going to the HIV/AID's charity I give to, Out of the Closet, the ones that do free HIV testing and provide free healthcare to those who can't afford it. And now they're getting that miserable fish. I guess I should pin an apology note to it.The Obamas sold for $5.00. Most of the stuff we just gave away. One guy was holding a bottle of Popov Vodka and tried to pay me a dollar for something I got for free. Thinking like the ex-vodka drinker I used to be I turned down the dollar and just gave him the item. It was a bumper sticker that said "Oh get up; you're not drunk."

We left a ton of stuff outside by the curb and by the next morning it was all gone. Including my mother.

End of chat.
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